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Wednesday 25 April 2012

What do you do when...

Your workout kinda sucks and then you get home late and you make a dinner you've had before (and liked it), to only hate it this time? That's where I was at 9pm this evening. I had a rough big deal. I didn't get angry, I kinda just laughed it off. Is it possible for the treadmill at my regular gym to be different from the one in my condo? And no, not mph versus km/h. This time I couldn't make it 10 mins without stopping. It was weird. I don't know why. It was the first run in my new shoes. That with the later workout and being leg tired from my workout the day before could have contributed. It's's not like my body isn't used to working out back to back, 5-ish days per week. Don't know why I'd get tired now all of a sudden.

So I leave the gym and go home. Bf's out with friends until an indeterminate time (that's a whole other point of discussion that I'm not gonna open up here), and I cooked something I liked that I had on the meal plan for today. Couldn't even get through a quarter of it. Blech. I hate it when that happens because then I feel so unsatisfied and I automatically head for the junk. So I portioned out some tortilla chips and skim mozza cheese and had me some nachos. Tracked it all. If I hadn't had that damn lindt chocolate I woulda managed nachos within my daily plan! lol. Oh well. Still OP for me :)

It's a change from what I would have done. There would have been no tracking, no portioning out, no control whatsoever. I wasn't satisfied from dinner, but that doesn't give me license to pig out. That makes me happy.

Time to sleep so my trainer can kill me tmr :)

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